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On February 4th, MINURSO celebrated Sri Lanka’s Independence Day. The event was marked by the raising of Sri Lanka’s flag alongside the United Nations flag at the Mission’s headquarters in Laayoune.
On 17 December, MINURSO celebrated Bhutan National Day by raising its flag at the Mission headquarters in Laayoune.
Ending AIDS as a public health threat by 2030 is achievable.
But reaching this goal requires breaking down the barriers keeping people from vital services.
Every 25 seconds, someone in the world is infected with HIV.
The United Nations was built by the world, for the world.
Since 1945, it has been the place for countries to unite behind global solutions to global problems.
Solutions that ease tensions, build bridges and forge peace.
On 19 February, MINURSO celebrated Nepal National Day by raising its flag at the Mission headquarters in Laayoune next to the UN flag.
On this day, Nepal observes “Democracy Day” which marks the birth of modern Nepal in 1951. Nepal is the largest contributor to UN peacekeeping
On 16 December, MINURSO celebrated Kazakhstan National Day by raising its flag at the Mission headquarters in Laayoune .
Kazakhstan Independence Day marks the day in 1991 when the Supreme Soviet of the USSR adopted a law on the independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan.