Visit to MINURSO of the Argentinian Colonel Horacio Cundins Gonzalez.
During his visit to MINURSO on 24 October 2019, the Argentinian Colonel, Horacio Cundins Gonzalez, accompanied by MINURSO Military Chief of Staff, Commander (Gui. N.) Ahmadou Sow received a briefing at the Team Site of Mahbas. The Colonel Cundins, had participated in the first group of UNMOs who initiated MINURSO after the establishment of the ceasefire in 1991. Currently, he is an anchor-man of a nationwide radio programme in his country ; a program backed by the Argentinian Ministry of Défense and devoted specifically to the country’s blue helmets and berets and aimed to disseminate the knowledge of the history, the present and the values of UN peacekeeping operations to a wider audience. After serving in MINURSO, the Colonel Cundins was entrusted with several assignments at the UN missions in Haiti.