MINURSO Celebrates the UN Russian Language Day

Russian Language Day

17 Jun 2019

MINURSO Celebrates the UN Russian Language Day

With the support of the Staff Welfare Committee, MINURSO celebrated on 6 June 2019, the    Russian Language Day. Russian Military Observers serving in the Mission Team Sites got together at MINURSO HQ and presented, in the presence of the OiC Head of Mission Veneranda Mukandoli-Jefferson, poems and popular songs from Russia. During the event, the Russian Military Observers highlighted, with passion and emotion, the beauty of  their  native language reciting poems by Russian prominent poets from  XIX and XX Centuries such as Aleksandr Pushkin “У Лукоморья дуб зелёный” (There is a green oak by the see), “Пророк” – (Prophet); Sergei Esenin “Письмо матери” (Letter to Mother); Vladimir Moyakovsky “ Стихи о советском паспорте ” (My soviet passport); “ Что такое хорошо и что такое плохо “ (What is good and what is bad); Innokenty Annensky “ Среди миров ” (Among the Worlds); Victor Berkovskiy “ Ну что с того, что я там был ” (Out of where, where I have been). It should be recalled that the UN Russian Language Day is part of the UN reform launched by the General Assembly, in its successive resolutions, to foster multilingualism within the UN system, and cultural diversity in addition to promoting equal use of all six official languages throughout the Organization.