The International Day of Clean Air for blue skies 2022: #TheAirWeShare

MINURSO solar power system

8 Sep 2022

The International Day of Clean Air for blue skies 2022: #TheAirWeShare

In Western Sahara, MINURSO operates in an environment with huge solar and wind power potential. In order to improve MINURSO’s “green footprint” and to promote the sustainability of our compounds, starting in 2020/2021 MINURSO’s Engineering Section has begun shifting towards photovoltaic solar systems at the Team Sites. The first panels have already been set up in Mahbas and Awsard. MINURSO is now working to accelerate the installation of the solar kits in five further Mission locations. Just on 100-kW solar PV system can supply up to 90% of the energy needs of a UN compound in the Sahara Desert.

Meanwhile, over 80% of the old air-conditioning units have been replaced with the latest energy efficient units, and the use of the LED lighting has reached 90% across the Mission.

MINURSO’s goal is to achieve maximum efficiency in our use of natural resources and to operate at a minimum risk to people, societies and ecosystems.