The implementation of the Comprehensive Performance Assessment System in MINURSO
Following the launch of CPAS (Comprehensive Performance Assessment System) in December 2019, the Mission, between 19 January and 29 February 2020, embarked on an intensive training and working process involving all Mission components to develop its CPAS Framework. Pictured above, is the Implementation Group which set to review and endorse the CPAS Results Framework for MINURSO before forwarding it to the Senior Leadership Team for approval and operationalization of the system on 1 March. The Mission was assisted in this work by Superintendent Samson Napulu (Zimbabwe Republic Police), from the Standing Police Capacity (based in Brindisi UNLB, Italy) and Mr. Stein Ellingsen as an external consultant. The implementation of CPAS in MINURSO framework is one the A4P programme for the Mission.